Strategic Co-Production Group Innovation, Research and Life Sciences and Strategy group

NHS England patient and public voice partner group member role description and application information.

1. Introduction

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Strategic Co-Production group for the Innovation, Research and Life Sciences and Strategy (IRLSS) group at NHS England. This group focuses on work that could transform patient care through innovation and research activity. Our team host the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC). This is a partnership board that aims to accelerate innovation and research activity. You can find out more about our team and the AAC in section 3.

Working with patients and the public is a core part of our work. In 2023 we set up an interim Strategic Co-production group. The group includes patients and staff who work together to ensure that involving patients is embedded in our different programmes. We are now recruiting new patient partners to expand and build on this interim group.

The group will provide strategic advice to the leadership team, ensuring that the voices of people with lived experience actively shape our research and innovation programmes.

2. How to apply

Please read this information pack as it describes the expectations of the role and what we are looking for in your application. This pack will help you to assess if this role meets your skills, experience and interest areas.

To apply, you will need to complete the application form here:

Equal opportunity monitoring information will be removed before shortlisting.

If you need an alternative format or have support needs to complete the forms, please contact us via .

Please note the closing date for all applications is the end of the day 11.59pm on 11 February 2024.

If you have any questions about the application or the role itself, please contact with any questions, or to schedule a conversation.

Once we receive your application

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your application form via If you do not receive an acknowledgement within seven days, please get in touch.
  • Applications will be assessed against the skills and experience required and shortlisting will be made based on the content of your application.
  • Interviews will take place via Teams video call week commencing 11 March 2024.
  • Please note that two references will be taken up for successful applicants before involvement can commence.
  • All applications will receive a successful or unsuccessful notification. The successful notifications will include information about next steps.

3. About the Innovation, Research, Life Sciences and Strategy (IRLSS) group

The IRLSS group is part of the Transformation Directorate in NHS England.

  1. Research – increase the speed, scale and diversity of research in the NHS.
  2. Demand Signalling and Horizon Scanning – identifying the research and innovation priorities that could transform healthcare and scanning for possible solutions.
  3. Uptake of Proven Innovation – Accelerating the uptake of medicines, medical devices, diagnostics and digital products that can transform care.
  4. Building Innovation Capacity – Supporting NHS organisations and workforce to develop, test and implement innovations.
  5. Innovator Support – making it easier for innovators to navigate the journey from idea to frontline delivery.

Several detailed work programmes sit under each of these priorities. They also include a focus on embedding patient and public involvement, addressing health inequalities and building a more environmentally friendly NHS. We have a small patient and public involvement (PPI) sub-team who supports each of these work programmes to develop plans to involve people and communities within the workstreams. We are committed to ensuring that our Patient and Public Involvement Strategy underpins all of our involvement and engagement work.

You can read more about our work to involve people here: NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative » Patient and public involvement (

The IRLSS group also hosts the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC). This is a collaboration of healthcare partners, including public health bodies, health regulators, national research and innovation organisations, industry representatives and charities who are working together to accelerate research and innovation in our healthcare systems. Our IRLSS team supports the AAC Partnership Board to work across the health system to deliver these ambitions.

Find out more about the AAC and a list of our partners here NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative » About us (

4. About the Strategic Co-Production Group

As well as involving patients and communities in our individual work programmes, we set up a Strategic Co-production Group (SCG) in 2023.  This is a group of patient partners and some staff who work together to provide oversight and guidance to our strategic programmes and our public involvement activity.

During 2023 the SCG has operated on an interim basis, working with the IRLSS team through some significant organisational changes. In 2024 we are moving out of the interim arrangements, by permanently establishing the SCG and expanding the group through new recruitment.  The newly expanded group will be supported with induction, training and development opportunities. 

The operating model for the SCG was co-designed with patient partners and staff. It’s described in the diagram below. The group members:

  • Meet monthly for a co-production ‘surgery’ – focusing on different strategic programme areas.
  • Have the option to join further programme meetings related to their individual knowledge and interest areas.
  • May take part in an annual challenge activity with senior leaders from the IRLSS team.
  • Have named representatives who also attend the other IRLSS governance meetings across the AAC priority area (to note: these are not yet fully established).
  • (group members should expect a time commitment of no more than 12-18 days per year).

The model for the SCG is set out below:

Core group: 20 patient/lived experience partners, including two patient partner co-chairs, PLUS flexible input from IRLSS and AAC partner staff.

  • Influence strategically
  • Monthly meetings (co-production surgeries
  • Flexible involvement in programmes of specific interest
  • Learning and development opportunities

5. Role of the Strategic Co-production Group Members

Strategic Co-production Group members are expected to:

  1. Ensure that IRLSS/AAC programmes consider and prioritise the perspective of patients and the public.
  2. Actively participate in the Strategic Co-production group monthly meetings, with an expectation of attending a minimum of 7 per year.
  3. Work in a collaborative way with other members and attendees of the Strategic Co-production group and with staff, respecting differences of opinion, finding common ground and working towards consensus.
  4. Use the knowledge and expertise gained through lived experience of health services, in a way that informs strategic improvements to work programmes.
  5. Champion and advocate for service user, patient, carer / caregiver and family perspectives in their diversity, beyond drawing solely on lived experience. Applicants should be able to draw on wider patient networks.
  6. Be willing to respond flexibly to requests for additional involvement in work programmes in line with interest areas and availability.
  7. Provide ‘critical friend’ challenge to the programme and contribute specific subject experience and/or expertise.
  8. Champion and advocate for increasing patient and public involvement in IRLSS programme activities.
  9. Work with the staff team and the SCG to highlight the group’s outcomes and achievements (usually via an end of year report).

6. Skills, knowledge and experience required

  • Experience and interest in innovation and research in health care systems and settings.
  • Previous experience of representing patient/ public voice community at local, regional, or national level.
  • Understanding of why public involvement and co-production matter, particularly how involving people and communities can improve healthcare innovation and research.
  • Ability to work creatively, respectfully and collaboratively, as equals.
  • Ability and experience of representing the voices of people who use services, particularly groups that experience health inequalities.
  • Strong interpersonal and collaboration skills to work effectively with others, respecting difference and building consensus.
  • Experience of speaking confidently in large groups /meetings and interacting with multiple stakeholders at senior management level.
  • Ability to understand, evaluate and use a range of information and evidence.
  • Ability to display integrity, good judgement and objectivity.
  • Have an awareness of, and commitment to, equality and diversity, including how this applies to involving people inclusively.
  • Understand and respect the need for confidentiality. SCG members will need to comply with NHS England’s Standards of Business Conduct, including respecting the confidential nature of discussions when this is a business requirement.

Other information

Members of the Strategic Co-production Group can hold the role for 2-year tenure, with opportunities to extend by two years (allowing the group to build knowledge and confidence, while keeping the group fresh and open to new perspectives).

Members are asked to commit to attending a minimum of 7 SCG meetings (to ensure the place on the group is fully utilised and effective).

Members can retire or pause as needed (e.g health/family reasons).

Members will have an annual check-in with the PPI team to review how things are going.


Please note that under our current policy NHS staff are not eligible to apply for Patient and Public Voice roles.

If any of the following apply, please contact the team for a discussion before applying for the role:

  • You have been previously removed from trusteeship of a charity by the court or the Charity Commissioners.
  • You have been suspended from, or removed from or are subject to conditions on registration of any professional body.
  • You have been terminated from a term of appointment as the chair or member of a public body.
  • You are under a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.

7. Our commitment to you

We welcome your talent and enthusiasm.

We are committed to creating an inclusive group that promotes and values diversity.

We recognise that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create a stronger and more creative work environment that delivers better patient outcomes. We will create an environment that respects this.

We have policies and procedures to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and consistently at every stage of the recruitment process, including the consideration of reasonable adjustments for people who have a disability and/or who are neuro-divergent.

Once recruited we will offer an induction programme covering the wider work of NHS England and a more detailed look specifically at the work of the Innovation, Research and Life Sciences and Strategy team.

You will receive regular communication and updates from us about work that you have been involved in.

The Patient and Public Involvement team will help you settle into your role and will support you.

We are constantly learning how to ensure that people who work with us feel trusted and valued, we will work with you to continuously improve how we work together.

When we collaborate, we want everyone to grow and excel, and we will offer opportunities for people to do that, including a range of learning and development opportunities.

8. Involvement payments and expenses

This role attracts an involvement payment of £150 per day (£75 per half day) and reasonable out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed in line with the Patient and Public Voice Partners Expenses and Involvement Payments Policy and the PPV Partners Policy.

Please note that any involvement payments may be classed as earnings or income by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs service (HMRC) or the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). PPV Partners are responsible for declaring this income to HMRC, DWP, Job Centre plus or other agencies as appropriate.

Advice if you receive state benefits

If you are in receipt of state benefits, you should seek advice from the relevant agency, for example JobCentre Plus, ideally in advance of applying and certainly before accepting an offer of a role which attracts an involvement payment, even if you intend to decline the payment. NHS England works with Citizens Advice Bedford to provide access to a free and confidential advice line to PPV Partners in this respect. Please contact the Bedford CAB team if you are concerned about the impact of involvement payments on your state benefits.

Contact the Benefits Advice Service by emailing or call 01234 330604.