Terms of reference for the Federated Data Platform Programme External Information Governance Advisory Group

Programme/project name: Federated Data Platform Programme
Senior Responsible Owner (SRO): Rebecca Llewellyn
Author: Claire Clements, Head of FDP Information Governance
Version 1, October 2023

Revision history

VersionDateSummary of changes


2 Oct 2023

First draft


10 Oct 2023

Shared with External FDP IG Advisory Group for comment

Document control

The controlled copy of this document is maintained by NHS England. Any copies of this document held outside of that area, in whatever format (e.g. paper, email attachment), are considered to have passed out of control and should be checked for currency and validity.

1. Purpose

The FDP External Information Governance Advisory Group exists to provide scrutiny and advice to support the implementation of IG to the Federated Data Platform Programme. The advisory group serves as a valuable feedback loop, providing ongoing input and insights as the platform evolves over time. This iterative process will allow for continuous improvement and adaptation to changing healthcare needs., and address barriers to adoption.

2. Duties and responsibilities

The advisory group will provide strategic overview across the IG for the Federated Data Platform Programme. The role of the group is to:

  • Provide strategic insight and expertise to ensure the FDP IG follows good practice
  • Offer recommendations on the FDP IG which will support its lawful implementation.
  • Share knowledge, good practice, and lessons learned from other healthcare IT systems and data management implementations.
  • Identify potential risks related to data security, privacy, compliance, and data integrity.
  • Provide advice in the formulation of strategies and policies to mitigate identified risks and ensure responsible data use.

3. Membership

The Advisory Group should be made up of senior representatives from the following organisations:

  • Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
  • Confidential Advisory Group (CAG)
  • Health Research Authority (HRA)
  • Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI)
  • Advisory Group for Data (ADG)
  • The National Data Guardian (NDG)

The members of NHS England IG in attendance are:

  • Head of Information Governance- FDP- Claire Clements
  • Acting Head of IG Policy and Development NHS England – David Evans
  • Senior IG Specialist, IG Policy, and Development NHS England – Narissa Leyland
  • Head of IG NHS England- Richard Langley
  • PMO support – secretariat function – Ben Baines 

4. Confidentiality and information sharing

All materials and information shared with the Advisory Group are assumed to be confidential outside of their organisation, unless otherwise stated. However, members can discuss broad, non-attributable meeting outcomes, once minutes have been shared.

Members will not disclose information or written material (such as agendas, minutes, discussion papers or other documents) to other parties external from their organisation, unless otherwise directed by the Chair.

5. Declaration of interest

A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances by which a reasonable person would consider that an individual’s ability to apply judgement or act, in the context of delivering, commissioning, or assuring tax payer funded health and care services is, or could be, impaired or influenced by another interest they hold.

All Advisory Group members should ensure that they are not placed in a position that risks, or appears to risk, compromising their role or the NHS public and statutory duties or reputation. Members must also not accept gifts or hospitality by virtue of their role on the Board.

Advisory group members are required to declare conflicts of interest and the receipt of gifts, hospitality and/or sponsorship, in line with the national guidance to the NHS. Conflicts of interest should be declared in writing to the Group secretariat and specific conflicts should be raised at the start of any agenda item or discussion for which that conflict arises. A conflict of interest and a hospitality register will be maintained by the secretariat.

6. Meetings

  • The Board will meet The Chair of the meeting may convene additional meetings, as necessary.
  • Organisations are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure they are represented at meetings, either by the agreed representative or by a substitute. No more than two successive meetings should be missed by any organisation.
  • The Chair may ask any other officials of the FDP programme to attend to assist it with its discussions on any particular matter.

7. Agenda

The agenda will be set by the Chair ahead of each meeting, and will be sent out no later than 1 week ahead of the meeting but the standard agenda is expected to include as a minimum:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Review of minutes and actions arising from last meeting
  • Programme progress summary (this reporting period)
  • Areas that the programme is seeking this groups input
  • AOB
  • Date of next meeting

8. Reporting

As a project/programme meeting, the Advisory Group is not necessarily required to formally report into any Committee structure but will be expected to produce minutes with clearly defined actions.

9. Secretariat

The secretariat will be provided by the programme in the FDP PMO and will liaise with other boards to avoid clashes of dates.

The secretariat can be contacted on england.fdp@nhs.net