
NHS England to improve mental health care for armed forces veterans

NHS England is set to further improve mental health care for military veterans after a nationwide campaign to give veterans themselves a say in how services are delivered. Feedback has highlighted the need to improve awareness of where veterans should go for help, raise the profile of NHS veterans’ mental health services and further increase […]

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More people than ever receiving psychological therapies and recovering

More people than ever are receiving psychological therapies and April saw the highest recovery rates so far in the history of the programme, end of year data has shown. The number of people referred for treatment from January to March (Quarter 4) increased to 367,689 by around 17,000 from 350,505 in Q3 (Quarter 3). The […]

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Thousands to benefit from kick-start of mental health services transformation

Thousands of children and adults of all ages with conditions such as psychosis, depression and anxiety will be among the first to benefit from improved services as work starts on a major transformation programme for mental health care. ‘Implementing the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health‘, published today, outlines the changes people will see […]

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Mental health pilot scheme doubles numbers getting key physical health checks

Four mental health trusts almost doubled the number of people getting five key physical health checks during a pilot scheme now being shared for adoption across the NHS. Hundreds of patients with serious mental illness (SMI) were part of the two-year improvement programme to improve physical care in mental health inpatient units. This saw 86 […]

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Giving children the mental health care they need – Dr Ann York

In the latest in our series of blogs about #mentalhealth, an NHS England (London) awareness campaign for mental health care across the capital, Dr Ann York talks the improvements being made to support young people: It’s late Friday afternoon. Susie is at the GP surgery with her daughter Lizzie, aged 15 (not real names). The GP […]

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Dozens of children have smoother adoption thanks to unique Sheffield scheme

With the focus on relationships in Mental Health Week, NHS England has put the spotlight on Sheffield where they are helping nurture relationships between adopters, foster carers and children to improve their adoption outcomes and mental health. Almost 50 adopted children have had a smoother transition to their new homes thanks to a fresh £85,000 scheme in […]

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Chief Executive of largest integrated community and mental health trust appointed as new NHS England National Mental Health Director

The Chief Executive of Central and North West London NHS FT (CNWL), Claire Murdoch, has been appointed by Simon Stevens as the new NHS National Mental Health Director. NHS England’s independent Mental Health Taskforce chaired by Paul Farmer of MIND recently published its report setting out a vision and costed improvement plan for mental health […]

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Working with Time To Change to build on positive practice in mental health services

A new training pack has been launched today to help reduce the stigma and discrimination sometimes experienced by people when using mental health services. NHS England has worked with Time To Change, England’s biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination, to develop and fund a project which aims to better understand the dynamics of relationships between […]

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