
Market Engagement launched: Improving GPs’ Access to Mental Health Support

NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (NHS Arden & GEM CSU) is carrying out a market engagement exercise on behalf of NHS England for the provision of services aimed at Improving GPs’ Access to Mental Health Support. They’d like to hear back from potential providers by 24 February. This follows a Procurement Prior […]

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NHS England to ask military veterans how to improve mental health services

NHS England is today asking armed forces veterans to share their experience of mental health services and help improve future care across the country. The launch of a national survey will help improve the care available for veterans as they move from military to civilian life. The survey is a chance for veterans to share […]

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NHS England publishes report into Southern Health

NHS England has today published an independent report into the deaths of people with a learning disability or mental health problem at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, and highlighted a system-wide response. The report was commissioned by NHS England (South) following the death of Connor Sparrowhawk in July 2013 in a unit in Oxford run […]

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‘Groundswell of energy’ is transforming young people’s mental health services, Chief Nurses are told at conference

Article amended, 3 December 2015, to correct an error in paragraph 18. A ‘groundswell of commitment and energy’ will help transform children and young people’s mental health services (CYPMH), a top NHS official will tell England’s Chief Nurses. Karen Turner, NHS England’s Director of Mental Health, will outline some of the changes expected to CYPMH […]

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‘Passport’ style brief of young people’s mental health launched

A ‘passport’ style brief of key facts that children and young people using mental health services can use to help them avoid repeating their history and preferences is launched today (Thursday 15 Oct). The ‘passport’ idea, which includes clinical information as well as key personal preferences, has been developed by young people, parents and carers […]

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Leading models of dementia care highlighted to inspire

Three leading models of how to care for people with dementia are being flagged up to the NHS in a bid to improve patient services by sharing learning. Thousands of people are benefiting from the thriving schemes at Gnosall, Northumberland, and Rotherham and Doncaster and are highlighted in a new report out today. Patient benefits include: […]

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Flagship helpline aids thousands in mental health crisis

Thousands of people in mental health crisis have been able to access the urgent care they need quickly and directly thanks to a flagship £1million crisis helpline in the North East. People with mental health issues, who might previously have attended A&E, have been able to use a single telephone number set up by Northumberland, […]

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