
We are entering a ‘new era’ for mental health

The Chairman of the Mental Health Taskforce told the Health and Innovation Expo 2015 conference “we are at the start of a new era for mental health.” As he launched the Mental Health Taskforce Engagement Report at the event in Manchester, Paul Farmer, CEO of charity Mind and Taskforce Chair, said he was delighted to […]

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20,000 give views on mental health service change priorities

More than 20,000 people have given their views on the top priorities for reshaping mental health services as part of a drive to develop a five year national NHS strategy for people of all ages. Better access to high quality services, a wider choice of treatments, more focus on prevention, more funding and less stigma […]

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Mental health strategy shared with frontline workers

Frontline workers today heard the latest from the Mental Health Taskforce. Around 350 delegates to this year’s National Recovery and Outcomes Conference were addressed by the taskforce’s chair, Paul Farmer, chief executive of Mind, and Jacquie Dyer, the taskforce’s vice-chair. Paul and Jacquie explained the Taskforce’s aim is to create a five-year national strategy for […]

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Children and young people give their views in unique health survey

The first ever survey seeking the views of children and young people on the health services they receive has been published today. Children and young people aged eight to 15 years have been asked to give their views as part of the survey conducted by the Care Quality Commission. Children aged nought to seven years […]

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New NHS safe staffing framework for mental health wards published

NHS England has launched a new practical guide to help ensure the right people with the right skills are recruited into the right inpatient mental health settings. The Mental Health Staffing Framework, which focuses on inpatient care, was commissioned as part of the NHS England’s ‘Compassion in Practice programme’. It was developed by an independent […]

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Huge response to mental health taskforce survey

The recently established Mental Health Taskforce has received an astonishing response to its call for the views of service users, their families and professionals who work in mental health. As he talks at the NHS Confederation annual conference in Liverpool today, Paul Farmer, the independent chair of the mental health taskforce and Chief Executive of […]

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