
More than a million children given access to NHS mental health support at school

More than a million children and young people will have access to mental health support at school, as the NHS rapidly expands services to help deal with the huge disruption caused by coronavirus and lockdown. From this year, teams of experts are offering support to children experiencing anxiety, depression, and other common mental health issues. […]

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New dedicated mental health services for new expectant and bereaved mums

Thousands of new, expectant or bereaved mothers will receive help and support for mental health problems through dozens of new dedicated hubs which are being set up across the country. The 26 new hubs will bring together maternity services, reproductive health and psychological therapy under one roof as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. […]

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NHS sets out COVID-19 recovery plan for patient care and staff wellbeing

The NHS is accelerating the delivery of operations and other non-urgent services as part of a £8.1 billion plan to help the health service recover all patient services following the intense winter wave of COVID. The money, which is set out in the NHS Operational Planning Guidance published today, will also fund more support for […]

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NHS urges sex crime and abuse victims to seek help

Women who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual assault are being urged to contact the NHS for support, as the number of people seeking help halved during the first lockdown. Following the death of Sarah Everard and the outpouring from women sharing their experiences of assault and harassment, both in the home and in public, […]

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NHS launches ‘Op Courage’ veterans’ mental health service

Armed forces veterans suffering a mental health crisis will receive specialist care as part of a new Op Courage service launched by NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens today. Doctors, nurses and other NHS staff will work with military charities to provide therapy, rehab services and, in extreme cases, inpatient care to hundreds of former […]

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NHS statement on Spending Review funding announcement

Below is a comment from the NHS on today’s announcement by the government of funding for the health service. NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens said: “As well as caring for seriously ill and vulnerable coronavirus patients, our hardworking nurses, doctors, therapists and other NHS staff are looking after many other patients, some of whose care […]

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NHS urges people with mental health worries to seek help

People with mental health worries are being urged to seek help in a new phase of the NHS’s Help Us Help You campaign. Although mental health services have been running throughout the pandemic there was a marked dip in referrals despite evidence that coronavirus is making problems more common. Now a new NHS campaign will […]

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