
NHS strengthens mental health support for staff

NHS staff will get rapid access to expanded mental health services that are being rolled out across the country as part of efforts to deal with the second wave of coronavirus. NHS England and NHS Improvement will invest an extra £15 million to strengthen mental health support for nurses, paramedics, therapists, pharmacists, and support staff. […]

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Training for barbers to spot warning signs of mental health problems

Community initiatives including mental health first aid training for barbers, and counselling for bereaved relatives, are set to benefit from a £10 million funding boost. A dedicated support package has been provided to local NHS, public health teams and voluntary organisations across England to strengthen suicide prevention plans and provide practical and emotional support to […]

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NHS recruitment drive to help tackle loneliness and improve lives

The NHS is recruiting a growing army of social prescribing link workers to combat loneliness and isolation fuelled by coronavirus. More than 1,200 are already helping people to improve their mental health and get more exercise by taking part in activities from gardening to ballroom dancing. And now the NHS is fast-tracking recruitment of an […]

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Top NHS doctor issues advice for children going back to school

NHS England’s top doctor for children and young people’s mental health has urged parents to be alert to signs that children could be experiencing anxiety, distress or low mood as some pupils return to school on Monday (1 June). Lockdown will have increased pressure on many mums, dads and their children, with young people unable […]

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NHS launches mental health hotline for staff tackling COVID-19

The NHS has launched a mental health hotline as part of a package of measures to support the NHS’ 1.4 million staff as they help people deal with the coronavirus. NHS staff will be able to call or text a free number staffed by thousands of specially trained volunteers, to receive support and advice for […]

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Mental health crisis services rolled out across england

Mental health crisis teams will be strengthened and new alternative forms of provision such as safe havens and crisis cafes will open across the country as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. More than £200 million of national funding has been allocated to local areas to transform urgent and emergency mental health care through […]

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NHS tells gambling giants to improve the odds for mental health

The head of mental health care in England has written to the heads of top gambling firms, demanding urgent action to tackle betting-related ill health. NHS mental health director Claire Murdoch has ramped up pressure on companies to take action, following reports that gambling giants continue to nudge losing punters into more betting. The NHS […]

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