
NHS welcomes record high recovery rate for common mental illness

New data published today show that a record number of people made a recovery from mental ill health, due to NHS talking therapies last year. The annual report on NHS England’s Improving Access to Talking Therapies (IAPT) programme, shows that half of people completing a course of treatment for conditions including depression and anxiety, recovered […]

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Funding boost for new mums’ mental health

The NHS has today confirmed that extra funding will be made available to improve the mental health of at least 3,000 pregnant women and those who have recently given birth. The £23 million funding is part of a major programme of improvement and investment by NHS England which will see a total of 30,000 additional […]

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NHS expert urges people to spot dementia warning signs in loved ones this Christmas

Family and friends can play a key role in spotting signs of dementia when visiting older people this Christmas according to one of the country’s top experts. This year, Professor Alistair Burns, NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Dementia and Older Peoples’ Mental Health, has written a Christmas list of a different kind – symptoms […]

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Help available for coping with eating disorders over Christmas

The NHS has partnered with leading eating disorder charity, Beat, to provide guidance and support to people suffering from eating disorders, over the Christmas season. The festive period can be particularly challenging for people dealing with eating disorders, as a big Christmas dinner and family gatherings put the focus on food and eating habits. Beat […]

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1.4 million people referred to NHS mental health therapy in the past year

Over one million referrals to NHS talking therapies for depression and anxiety were made last year according to new, official data. Of the 1.4 million new referrals for talking therapies as part of NHS England’s Increasing Access to Talking Therapies (IAPT) programme, 965,000 people began treatment, a 32,000 rise on patient numbers from the year […]

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NHS England Prevent Mental Health Guidance and new e-Learning package now available

The guidance is aimed at providers of NHS mental health services and contains information applicable to mental health professionals who work within them. It is designed to support providers and staff to exercise their statutory and professional duties to safeguard vulnerable adults, children and young people at risk of radicalisation. It sets out expectations and […]

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