
Idea #1 Mapping the family and support network

The Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) have created a resource hub for local commissioners and practitioners to support the Reducing Parental Conflict programme, including evidence, tools and guidance on how to take action.

Idea #3 Providing information

Examples resources for providing information

Action on Postpartum Psychosis: A guide for partners

Examples videos which provide information about services

Yorkshire and Humber MBU YouTube clip

Sussex specialist perinatal mental health service video

Bluebells Perinatal Positivity video

Idea #4 Partners’ and other family members’ own mental health needs

Online support, including peer support

Dads Net

LGBT Foundation

PANDAS Foundation

PND&Me; Twitter: @PNDandMe

The Birth Trauma Association (BTA)

Resources for setting up peer support

McPin Foundation’s evaluation of mental health related peer support, and toolkit for developing peer support

McPin Foundation’s perinatal peer support principles

Idea #6 Needs as carers

Information about carer’s assessments

Idea #7 Relationship with the baby

Baby Buddy app: evidence-based information, tools and videos for parents both during pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Look Say Sing Play: ‘brain building’ tips for parents to add in to their daily routines with babies.

Big Little Moments: videos and suggestions for supporting relationships with babies through daily interactions.

Brazelton Centre UK: understanding baby behaviour & communication.

Parent Baby Foundation (formerly PIP-UK): information about PIP services and what they offer.

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust have developed a visual tool (the ‘Ready to Relate cards’) designed to facilitate understanding of and enhance the parent-infant relationship, and promote infant attachment and optimal infant development.

Idea #8 Other children in the family

Information and advice from Barnardo’s about identifying and supporting young carers  

Resources for other children about parental mental health

“My mum has a dodgy brain” (Devon Partnership NHS Trust). This is a film for children who have a parent with a mental health disorder.

Leaflets for children of parents admitted to mental health wards (South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust). These are age-appropriate stories and written information to support caregivers to start conversations with children.

“Mummy is poorly” (Zoe Robinson). This is a children’s story about a little girl whose mother has mental health difficulties, intended to help parents start up conversations with children and also to remind professionals of the need to engage with patients’ children.

“Someone in my family has a mental illness” (Lyne Brindamour). This is a workbook for children where a family member has a mental health difficulty, which can be completed with the support of parents or health professionals.

 “My Mummy & Me: All about Perinatal Mental Health Problems” (RCPsych). This is a workbook for young children (around 3-9 years) to help them understand maternal mental health disorders around the time of a sibling’s birth. It can be purchased online.