
Midlands parents of toddlers invited to get flu vaccine ahead of challenging winter

The NHS is sending thousands of invitations to parents of toddlers in the Midlands to get the flu vaccination, ahead of what the health service says could be one of its most challenging winters ever.

In 2020/21 just 56.7% of toddlers received a flu vaccination in the Midlands and now it is more vital than ever that all children take up the offer of the free vaccine.

Dr Nigel Sturrock, Regional Medical Director, is urging everyone to book an appointment for their child with their GP practice as soon as possible.

Parents of two and three-year-olds are being urged to book an appointment with their GP practice to protect their child this winter and help stop the spread of the virus in the community.

The vaccine is free and is delivered with a quick and painless spray up the nose.

The acceleration of the programme comes with the NHS warning that this winter could be its most challenging to date, with a potential 50% increase in flu cases, while hospitals will continue to need to treat COVID patients.

Dr Nigel Sturrock, the Regional Medical Director of NHS England and NHS Improvement in the Midlands, said:

“I would urge everyone to book an appointment for their child with their GP practice as soon as possible. For the first time we will have COVID-19 and flu co-circulating. Not many people got flu last year because of COVID-19 restrictions, so there isn’t much natural immunity in our communities as usual.

“The flu has a serious impact on the health of thousands of people every winter, and getting your child vaccinated will protect them, and help to stop the spread of the virus to your most vulnerable family members and loved ones.

“Even if your child had a flu vaccination last year, the type of flu can vary each winter, so it is recommended to have the flu vaccine again this year or they won’t be protected.”

Flu symptoms can appear very quickly and include a high temperature about 38C, an aching body, feeling exhausted, sore throat and runny nose and loss of appetite. Children may also become less active and get ear pain.

This year the nasal spray flu vaccine is free on the NHS for:

  • children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2021 – born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2019
  • all primary school children (reception to year 6)
  • all year 7 to year 11 children in secondary school
  • children aged 2 to 17 years with long-term health conditions

Flu vaccinations have already begun with many thousands of people coming forward. This year, people who are eligible include those aged 50 plus, pregnant women, health and care staff, people who are at risk and households of immunosuppressed people. Anyone eligible can get their jab through their GP or by going to a community pharmacist.