
Over half a million people get spring COVID-19 vaccines in the first month in the Midlands

The Midlands Spring NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme is off to a flying start with more than 570,000 spring COVID-19 vaccines (over 306,000 in West Midlands and 270,000 in East Midlands) delivered in the first month since national bookings started, providing vital protection to the most vulnerable.

Vaccinations began on 15 April for residents in care homes for older adults and eligible housebound people. For all eligible others, vaccinations began from 22 April, this includes people aged 75 and over, and those with a weakened immune system.

Anyone eligible will be contacted via text, email, or letter but people do not need to wait for an invite to book, they are encouraged to book a slot to get vaccinated before spring vaccinations end on 30 June.

Booking a spring COVID-19 vaccine is simple and easy if you are eligible with thousands of appointments available across the country every day (usually at pharmacies and GP practices):

  • Download the NHS App and make an appointment
  • Visit
  • Call 119 for free if you can’t get online (translators are available)

Some areas also offer convenient walk-in options – to find out what is available visit,

For some, particularly older people and those with a weakened immune system, COVID-19 can still be very dangerous and even life-threatening, the vaccine provides protection against the virus and helps reduce the risk of serious illness.

You can find out the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine at

Roz Lindridge, the NHS England director responsible for overseeing the vaccination programme across the Midlands, said: “I’m delighted that we are off to such a strong start in delivering the COVID-19 vaccination programme this spring, with over 570,000 people in the Midlands having received their covid vaccine ensuring they and their loved ones are protected.

We are further ahead than we expected at this point which is fantastic news and it is great to see that so many people have come forward since bookings opened last month, we now need to continue this great effort.

If you or your child are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine this spring, please make sure you come forward for this extra protection. Our hard working staff are pulling out all the stops to deliver the lifesaving vaccinations to protect our communities in the Midlands, and I urge anyone eligible to book their latest dose without delay.