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Involvement in conferences and events organised by a non-NHS organisation

Organisers of events will often ask to use the NHS Identity on their promotional materials. However, the NHS logo can only be used where there is NHS involvement in the event. The type of use will depend upon the level of involvement.

This may range from a member of NHS staff speaking at an event to an NHS organisation supporting or sponsoring an event.

Where an NHS organisation is supporting or sponsoring an event, the NHS organisation’s logo could be used with the words ‘Supported by’ appearing above the logo, outside the exclusion zone.

The positioning of the organisation’s logo would follow the principles applied to partnerships. A lead supporter’s/sponsor’s logo could appear at the top of communications, secondary supporters/sponsors logos would appear at the bottom.

Credit: HIMSS

Where an NHS organisation is providing speakers, the NHS organisation’s logo could be used with the words ‘Speakers from’ appearing above the logo, outside the exclusion zone.

Credit: HIMSS

Where an NHS organisation is exhibiting at an event, their logo would only expect to be seen on event organiser promotional materials in the exhibitor list.

Some of the examples featured across this site may have been amended to illustrate how the guidelines should be applied.