Stay & Thrive

#StayAndThrive is a research-in-action programme focussing on creating the conditions for internationally educated staff to not just stay in the NHS, but to thrive in their personal and professional lives whilst progressing in their careers. A community of action was developed, which implements positive deviance methodology to uncover what makes internationally educated staff less likely to stay, looking at breadth and depth, including cultural systemic issues whilst uncovering the uncommon yet successful practices that lead to positive change without the need for extra resources. From this, evidence-based guidance has been produced, forming the foundations of theNHS Employers interactive international retention toolkit.

Stay and Thrive with support from the Community of Action, has developed a podcast series exploring the experiences of internationally educated NHS professionals of transitioning to living and working in the NHS workforce in England. The NHS has over 200 nationalities represented in its workforce, adding up to over 220,000 healthcare professionals from all over the world. Our podcast series asks: what’s it like to start work in a completely different country? How do you deal with new codes of practice? What challenges can you face when setting up a home thousands of miles away from everything you know?

Our host, Katy McDonald, a former Fellow for International Retention in NHS England North East and Yorkshire Region, speaks directly to international nurses, midwifes, Allied Health Professionals, and to managers and team leaders trying to make those transitions as smooth as possible. The series highlights personal stories of challenges and triumphs, as well as offering advice on how we can all ensure everyone is truly able to Stay and Thrive.