
North West NHS Delivers First Autumn Booster Jabs to Care Home Residents

Care home residents and staff in the North West have become some of the first in the world to receive the new, variant-tackling jab, as part of the next phase of the NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme.

The autumn booster rollout started this week, with around 1.6 million of England’s care home residents, staff and people who are housebound first in line to receive their top up ahead of winter.

In the North West, teams from general practice and pharmacies, as well as outreach teams, have plans to visit more than 50 care homes in the first week, with hundreds more planned throughout September and October, as part of the fastest and largest vaccine drive in NHS history.

The residents and staff at Lostock Grove Rest Home in Leyland, Lancashire, were one of the first care homes to start getting their autumn boosters today.

Kelly Jenkins, Manager at Lostock Grove Care Home, said: “It’s been a tough couple of years and especially hard for our residents who haven’t been able to see their loved ones. The vaccine rollout has meant our residents are protected, we can allow visitors again and things can go back to normal. But it is imperative everyone gets the boosters and keeps the virus at bay.”

Across England, around four million people who are at the highest risk, including the over 75s and those with weakened immune systems, will also be eligible to book a vaccine through the National Booking Service this week, with the first appointments available from the following week.

Invitations will be landing on doormats at homes across the North West from 7 September inviting people to book their appointment without delay as the NHS protects the nation from Covid-19 once again ahead of winter.

Hundreds of sites will be part of the rollout in the North West, with new sites joining the programme all the time. There will be more vaccine services closer to home, being delivered by primary care networks and community pharmacies alongside outreach services that will be taking the vaccine directly into local communities. Many additional community pharmacies are coming on board, ensuring there is sufficient capacity as well as greater local access to vaccine clinics.

Julie Kelly, Interim Regional Director of Primary Care and Public Health Commissioning at NHS England North West, said: “Winter is always a challenging time in the NHS, and this year we’re likely to have a resurgence in both Covid and flu, so it’s more important than ever to make sure you and your loved ones have the best protection from serious illness, and get up to date with your Covid-19 vaccinations as well as your annual flu jab.

“Once again, staff across the NHS in the North West will work at speed to ensure that the most vulnerable to Covid-19 have the new variant-tackling vaccination. What’s more, from later this week, the National Booking Service will be open, so finding a vaccination centre that is convenient will be easier than ever.

“Please come forward when you’re invited, an autumn booster will top up the immunity of those most vulnerable to Covid-19 ahead of the winter to help us continue to live with the virus.”

As with previous campaigns, the oldest and most vulnerable will be called forward first, with people able to book in online or through 119 as long as it has been three months since their last dose.

The NHS will contact people when it is their turn to book in for the vaccine – you do not need to contact the NHS.

The NHS will continue to advise local sites to allow people with a weakened immune system to self-declare and attend walk-ins to make getting the extra protection as easy as possible.

Around 26 million people across England will be eligible for an autumn booster over the comings weeks, which includes over 50s, those with a weakened immune system, pregnant women, health and social care workers and care home residents and housebound people, in line with guidance set out by the JCVI.

The NHS will also being rolling out the flu vaccine and encouraging eligible people to take up the offer. People may be offered the flu and Covid jab at the same time subject to supply, with the doses approved to be co-administered, but people are encouraged to get each vaccination as soon as they are invited, rather than waiting to get both at the same time.


Photo: Residents Edith Rogerson and Irene Johnson were among those getting their Covid-19 autumn booster vaccine today.

Back row L-R – Sharon Cartmel, Senior Care Assistant, Kelly Jenkins, Care Home Manager

Front row L-R – Edith Rogerson and Irene Johnson

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