
NHS North West urges 400,000 people to get their Covid Autumn booster

More than 400,000 at risk people and those aged 65 and over in the North West who are eligible for their autumn COVID-19 vaccine booster will be reminded to book their jab this week, ahead of winter.

The fastest and largest vaccination programme in NHS history has already delivered more than 800,000 life-saving autumn top-ups in the region to combat covid since its launch just a month ago.

People who have already received their invite, including those who are most vulnerable to serious illness from COVID-19 because they are either aged 65 and over, have suppressed immune systems, are pregnant, have a learning disability or another health issue, are being reminded to book in as soon as possible.

People who are at risk are able to self-declare and do not need to wait for an invite, and can attend a walk-in site or book in online at People can book in at one of hundreds of sites, including general practices, pharmacies and hospital hubs, or at a walk in site. Anyone who needs help making an appointment should call 119.

The reminders, which will be a mixture of emails, letters and texts, will begin to land from today (10 October) as NHS leaders urge those eligible to take up their free covid booster and annual flu vaccine ahead of the threat of a potential “twindemic” this winter and with infection levels already starting to rise.

Dr Linda Charles-Ozuzu, Regional Director of Commissioning for NHS England and NHS Improvement and Senior Responsible Officer for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme in the North West, said: “As we prepare for a challenging winter with COVID-19 and flu infections, it is crucial everyone eligible is vaccinated to protect themselves and those around them from becoming seriously ill.

“Thanks to the hard work of NHS staff, partners  and volunteers, we’ve delivered more than 800,000 autumn booster vaccines in the first few weeks, which is a great start, and we’re keen to keep up the momentum and see more people coming forward for their life-saving jab.

“If you’re eligible but not yet received your autumn booster jab, don’t delay and get your vaccine as soon as possible.”

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that around one in 50 people in England had covid in the week ending 26th September – up by a quarter – with more than 9,500 patients in hospital with Covid-19.

In the North West, the NHS is also rolling out this year’s flu vaccine. The COVID-19 and the flu vaccine can be given on the same day and some people might get both vaccines at the same time. However, this may not always be possible and people are encouraged to get each vaccination as soon as they can, rather than waiting to get both at the same time.