
One million people protected with the COVID-19 autumn booster vaccine

The NHS North West COVID-19 vaccination programme has reached a huge milestone in the first few weeks of the autumn booster campaign.

NHS staff, partners and volunteers have vaccinated more than one million people across the region in a fantastic effort to protect our communities from becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 during winter.

People aged 50 and over and those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19 are being encouraged to get the autumn top-up jab, as well as the flu jab, ahead of a potential ‘twindemic’ of COVID-19 and flu this winter.

Dr Linda Charles-Ozuzu, Regional Director of Commissioning for NHS England and Senior Responsible Officer for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme in the North West, said: “I’m so pleased to see more than one million people in the region have come forward for the life-saving jab to protect themselves and their loved ones as we head into the colder months.

“Our autumn booster campaign has got off to a great start, with colleagues working hard to protect as many people as possible, however we know there is much more to do to reduce the impact from both COVID-19 and flu this winter.

“With many walk-in and bookable vaccination sites in the North West, it’s easier than ever for people to get vaccinated. If you’re eligible, don’t delay, and come forward for your booster jab as soon as possible.”

In the North West, the NHS is also rolling out this year’s flu vaccine. The COVID-19 and the flu vaccine can be given on the same day and some people might get both vaccines at t

he same time. However, this may not always be possible, and people are encouraged to get each vaccination as soon as they can, rather than waiting to get both at the same time.

78 year old Mary McDonald, a retired midwife from Liverpool Women’s Hospital, recently had her autumn booster and flu vaccines and is now encouraging others to join her. She said: “I’m very happy I’ve had both my jabs as they make me feel safer when so many of my friends have had the virus and my favourite activities like choir have had to be cancelled.

“Being protected with the jabs makes me feel better about being around my friends who are unwell with cancer – the last thing I want to do is give them the virus.

“I think everyone should protect themselves, their friends and family when it’s their turn to get vaccinated.”

You can book your vaccine and find out more on the NHS website.