
Innovation and dedication at the heart of this year’s North West shortlist in the NHS Parliamentary Awards

NHS leaders in the North West have praised the ‘genuine innovation’ and ‘dedication at the heart of the NHS recognised by the initiatives leading the way for the region in the shortlist for this year’s NHS Parliamentary Awards.

Ten individuals and teams have been named as regional champions on the prestigious list as part of the annual awards, launched in 2018 to celebrate and recognise the outstanding contribution of staff, volunteers and others working in the health and care sector. In the first stage of the awards, MPs nominate healthcare teams and individuals in their local area to highlight their commitment and achievements working in and with the NHS.

More than 130 exceptional nominations across ten categories were submitted to NHS England’s North West regional team, by more than 40 MPs. This year, the ten award categories cover exceptional care and health innovation across healthcare services.

Amongst the regional champions are Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS FT for their work to support women’s mental health during the perinatal period, The Walton Centre NHS FT for their innovative training for medical students using VR in neurosurgery, and Mersey Care NHS FT’s Addictions Team, who became the first community drug team in the NHS to achieve Hepatitis C micro-elimination amongst service users.

Dr Michael Gregory, Interim Regional Director at NHS England – North West said: “I’m very proud to see the genuine innovation that this shortlist represents happening across the North West. Despite the significant pressures NHS staff have faced over the last few years, and continue to face, they never stop trying to find new and better ways to improve the care patients in the region are receiving.

“Work like this is the NHS at its best, with time, care and consideration being put into dynamic, bold, and brave ideas that will change the way we work forever.

“Each and every individual and team responsible for these brilliant nominations deserve to be celebrated for their efforts to take the health service forward into the future, with person-centred approaches to care that genuinely improve the lives of the people we work to look after every day.”

Going forward to the final round of the awards is a particular achievement this year, with 318 MPs across England putting forward 918 nominations – a far greater number than in any previous year.

A panel of national judges – made up of notable figures across the healthcare sector – will now come together to select the winners of this year’s awards. These winners will be announced at the awards ceremony taking place on Monday 14 October 2024 – when healthcare leaders, finalists and MPs will come together to celebrate the immense contribution which healthcare staff make to the NHS.

The ten regional champions are:

The Excellence in Health Care award: Change Talks, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

The Excellence in Mental Health award: Pennine Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Team, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

The Excellence in Urgent and Emergency Care award: The Stroke Emergency Assessment Centre, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Excellence in Primary and Community Care award: Women’s Health Hubs in Liverpool, Liverpool PCN and general practice leads

The Excellence in Education and Training award: Nick Carleton-Bland, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.

The Nursing and Midwifery award: Maternity and Neonatal Team, East Cheshire NHS Trust

The Future NHS award: Initial Response Service, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.

The Health Equalities award: The Addictions Team, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.

The Volunteer award: Remi Livesey, East Cheshire NHS Trust

The Lifetime Achievement award: Jean Cummings, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

You can find the full shortlist here: Shortlist – NHS Parliamentary Awards