2023-25 NHS Payment Scheme (amended)

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The NHS Payment Scheme governs transactions between providers and commissioners of secondary healthcare.

The materials published here comprise the 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme (amended).

The 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme was set for a two-year period. However, following consultation, some amendments were made to the Scheme for 2024/25. The documents below reflect these amendments. The initially published 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme is available from the bottom of this page for reference. This includes the 2023/24 pay award prices that were published in August 2023 to reflect agreed pay awards.

Please contact england.pricingenquiries@nhs.net if you have any questions.

NHS Payment Scheme



A set of rules for four payment mechanisms that establish the amount payable for provision of NHS-funded secondary healthcare.

The 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme (amended) reflects amendments that apply for 2024/25. These amendments were consulted on in December 2023 and January 2024. For more details, see the amendment log.



A set of rules for four payment mechanisms that establish the amount payable for provision of NHS-funded secondary healthcare.

The 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme (amended) reflects amendments that apply for 2024/25. These amendments were consulted on in December 2023 and January 2024. For more details, see the amendment log.



Clarification of frequently asked questions about the NHS Payment Scheme.

Please contact england.pricingenquiries@nhs.net for more information.



Details of the amendments made to the 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme, following consultation.



Details of the changes between consultation on proposals for the 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme and final publication.




This workbook contains the NHS Payment Scheme unit and guide prices, and related information, for 2024/25.

The workbook has been reissued for 2024/25, updating 2023/24 prices for the revised cost uplift and efficiency factors and amendments to the NHS Payment Scheme.



Further information and guidance on certain currencies (units of healthcare for which payment is made).

This document has been updated to reflect amendments to the Payment Scheme for 2024/25.


Guidance to support the implementation of best practice tariffs.

This document has been updated to reflect amendments to the Payment Scheme for 2024/25.


Details of the calculation of NHS Payment Scheme unit and guide prices and cost adjustments for 2024/25, including cost uplift and efficiency factors.

This document has been updated to reflect amendments to the Payment Scheme for 2024/25.

Supporting documents



Guidance on the payment mechanisms that apply to NHS providers – aligned payment and incentive (API) and low volume activity block payments (LVA).

This document has been updated to reflect amendments to the Payment Scheme for 2024/25.



A guide to the market forces factor.

Forms and templates


Variations request template

Variations request template

  • Microsoft Excel
  • 72 KB


Template to be used to request variations from the 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme.



Form to be used to nominate additions and changes to the lists of high cost drugs and devices that are excluded from core payment mechanisms.

Initially published 2023/25 NHS Payment scheme


This file contains the 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme that was in effect before the amendments made for 2024/25.

The file includes the initially published Annex A, and the 2023/24 pay award prices workbook that was published in August 2023 but was expected