Health Technical Memorandum 05-03: Firecode – Fire Safety in the NHS – Operational provisions

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Health technical memoranda (HTM) 05-03 provides guidance on operational provisions for fire safety for health sector buildings and premises.

It should be read in conjunction with other Health Technical Memoranda in the Firecode suite:

  • Health Technical Memorandum 05-01: Managing healthcare fire safety
  • Health Technical Memorandum 05-02: Firecode – Guidance in support of functional provisions (Fire safety in the design of healthcare premises)

HTM 05-03 covers a number of topics detailed in the contents below.

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Part A - Training


Published 4 August 2008 and updated 12 March 2024.

Part B – Fire detection and alarm systems

Part C – Textiles and furnishings

Part D – Commercial enterprises on hospital premises

Part E – Escape lifts in healthcare premises

Part F – Arson prevention and control in NHS healthcare premises

Part G – Laboratories on healthcare premises

Part H – Reducing false alarms in hospital premises

The revised HTM 05-03 Part B (2024) includes the management of false alarms and unwanted fire signals, which was previously in HTM 05-03 Part H. The existing HTM 05-03 Part H on reducing false alarms in hospital premises has been withdrawn.

Part J – Guidance on fire engineering of healthcare premises

Part K – Guidance on fire risk assessments in complex healthcare premises


Published 30 April 2024.

Primary and secondary fire risk assessment templates are included in the main document and also provided as separate downloads below, to allow users to complete and customise the assessments according to their specific healthcare facility or situation. For convenience and ease of updating, these editable Word templates should be used when conducting and documenting fire risk assessments for complex healthcare premises.


Word template.


Word template.

Part M – Fire Safety in Atria

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