Information pack and application form to help you apply for a patient and public voice partner role in the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group

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NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Programme is looking for autistic people, people with a learning disability and family carers to join its advisory group.

We want members who can share their experiences of different health services and work with us to improve the health system.

We want to include members with links to groups and networks from all backgrounds and communities.

For example,

  • people who have a severe learning disability
  • people who have more than 3 support workers at one time
  • people from different ethnic backgrounds and religions
  • people from the LGBTQ+ community

Visit the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group webpage to find out about the different ways to tell us you are interested in getting involved.

The information pack, online application form and printable version of the application form (all in easy read and plain English format) are available below.

Closing date: 9am on Monday 30 September 2024
Trial online meeting likely to be scheduled week commencing 25 November 2024

Information pack to help you apply for the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group (easy read version)



Published 22 August 2024.

Information pack to help you apply for the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group (plain English version)



Accessible version published 22 August 2024.

Expression of interest form for the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group (easy read, online version)



Accessible version published 22 August 2024.

Expression of interest form for the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group (easy read, printable PDF version)


PDF version published 22 August 2024.

Expression of interest form for the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group (plain English, online version)



Accessible version published 22 August 2024.

Expression of interest form for the Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group (plain English, printable PDF version)


PDF published 22 August 2022.