
RightCare scenarios put the person at the centre of the story. They use fictional service users to show the difference between a suboptimal – but realistic – pathway of care, compared to an optimal one. At each stage the costs of care are highlighted, not only financial to the local health and care system, but also the impact on the individual and their family.

Scenarios support local health and care systems to think strategically about designing optimal care for people (and their carers) with long term or high impact conditions. They help local systems understand how care outcomes, quality of life, and costs can be improved as the result of shifting the care pathway from a suboptimal journey to one that consistently delivers timely, evidence-based care.

Inflammatory bowel disease – June 2024

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term that describes the main conditions, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which affect 1 in 123 people in the UK. They can be debilitating chronic conditions managed by high-risk medications and surgery, with high levels of disability, and if poorly managed, risk of mortality.

RightCare, working in partnership with Crohn’s & Colitis UK, has published a new scenario on IBD that highlights the key elements of optimal care across the patient pathway. This scenario draws attention to the need to deliver better integrated services with primary care, to deliver more and regular interventions that activate patients to self-manage, and to make better use of outpatient appointments and personalised care and support approaches.

Hannah’s story: Inflammatory bowel disease

Physical Health and Severe Mental Illness scenario – July 2023

For a summary version of Tom’s story, please visit the National RightCare FutureNHS site. Please note that you will need to register as a member to access the site.

Learning disability and aspiration pneumonia – June 2023

For a summary version of Robert’s story, please visit the National RightCare FutureNHS site. Please note that you will need to register as a member to access the site.

Asthma – February 2023

For a summary version of Jessica’s story, please visit the National RightCare FutureNHS site. Please note that you will need to register as a member to access the site.

Community-acquired pneumonia scenario – February 2023

For a summary version of Jim’s story, please visit the National RightCare FutureNHS site. Please note that you will need to register as a member to access the site.

Frailty – June 2019

Sepsis scenario – June 2018

Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease – January 2018

Multimorbidity – January 2018

Colorectal Cancer – January 2018

Parkinson’s – January 2018

Ed Richfield, Consultant in Geriatric Medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, provides an overview of Parkinson’s disease in relation to NHS RightCare and using the RightCare approach.

Dementia – April 2017

The scenario is available as a full narrative and two summary slide packs are also included as appendices.

Osteoporosis – February 2017

Wound care – January 2017


Diabetes – August 2014