General practice inclusive access routes


This campaign is all about helping patients to better understand the choice of access routes to use when contacting a GP practice. You can use the resources in this campaign to better communicate with patients about the best ways of getting in touch with you when they need help.

Resources for this campaign include:

  • social media resources (images and copy)
  • A3 and A4 posters on each access route
  • An A4 leaflet covering all access routes (Translations included, BSL, large print, braille, audio and easy read)
  • sample patient letters
  • sample Voicemails
  • display screen animation and static visuals for waiting rooms
  • alternative format leaflet (Easy read, large print, audio and BSL)
  • text message templates
  • online contact slips


With the role out of modern general practice access this year, it will be pertinent for all GP practices and Primary Care Networks to produce communications relating to topics covered in this campaign.

We recommend before GP practices embark on these communications you review your website in line with national guidance.

You can utilise this campaign in the following ways.

  • download and share the social media resources across your social media accounts
  • use the text message templates to send informative messages to pages either via text or NHS App messenger
  • host some of the campaign posters and display screen visuals in your waiting rooms
  • keep to hand some alternative format leaflets to distribute to people as required.
  • consider seeding a let to digitally excluded patient around access using the template

Remember to edit and select your communications based on the access your practice will be providing to your specific patient population. When editing content access remember to think about the following:

  • explain to patients what they will experience when using a specific access route
  • tell patients why you want them to use a specific access route
  • include information or links to information about how to use specific access routes
  • make sure you tell patients how using specific access route will benefit them
  • make sure you make it clear you will have access adjustments for digitally excluded people


To access the communications resources, use this link: General practice inclusive access routes; contains toolkit and assets helping patients better understand the different access routes to contacting their practice.

Supporting general practice, and urgent and emergency care referrals to the NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service