Looking After You coaching


Supporting the primary care workforce is critical to the ongoing delivery of frontline services. The last few years have led to increased pressures as staff have been required to adapt to an unprecedented level of change in service delivery models. As primary care moves forward to a period of restoration and recovery, capacity to build and nurture compassionate, collaborative, inclusive and effective relationships and teams and support career conversations has never been more important. Development of a culture in which staff health and wellbeing is honoured, will improve the resilience of the workforce, and create a place where staff wish to come, stay, and thrive, improving recruitment and retention.

Practices are encouraged to seek support from the Looking After You programme that was developed in April 2020, in recognition that frontline primary care colleagues involved in the delivery of primary care services were facing many challenges and continue to do so. It is currently funded up to March 2024.

This programme is designed to help GP practices and Primary Care Networks to support their workforce. In this campaign toolkit you will find the following resources to help you promote the programme:


The Looking After You programme coaching support is available to all clinical and non-clinical primary care staff, either employed by the NHS or contracted to deliver work on behalf of the NHS. The programme comprises of three core offers that include Looking After You Too, Looking After Your Team and Looking After Your Career. Sessions are delivered virtually, preferably via a video platform, but telephone Appointments are also available.

Where possible you should promote the resources in this campaign toolkit with colleagues:

  • GP practice should implement video call backgrounds and email signatures in communications
  • A4 Posters can also be put up in communal work areas
  • colleagues can share social media assets and videos across their professional social media networks
  • banners and web content can be places on team intranets


To access the communications resources, use this link: Looking after you coaching; includes assets to share free coaching offers with primary care colleagues.

General practice inclusive access routes