Pharmacy First – NHS ‘Help Us, Help You’- Pharmacy Campaign – (Campaign for pharmacies)

The campaign will seek to demonstrate how the health services making it more convenient for people to access care. It will primarily target working age adults (18-40) who may experience minor health conditions. It will also reach ethnic minority groups and those with disabilities, to ensure it is addressing key health inequalities and includes:  

  • core messaging  
  • long copy  
  • online videos and social media  

All NHS HUHY pharmacy campaign resources can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Campaign Resource Centre.                                                        

  • downloading the campaign resources and sharing these with your colleagues, including local community pharmacies offering the new service, local communications networks and community organisations. 
  • promoting the public displays in your local area if appropriate (pharmacy signage takeovers will be in Lewes, Sutton and Aldeburgh) 
  • sharing our campaign messages on social media, websites, email, and staff intranets to reach as wide an audience as possible 
  • campaign Support – If you have any queries about the campaign, please contact the NHS England Campaigns Team:   
  • identify community pharmacy case studies in your region for potential involvement in media activities and to support the campaign locally. 

The campaign will increase the public’s awareness of the breadth of support community pharmacists can offer to patients on their doorstep. This will include highlighting the new service launched on 31January that allows pharmacists to supply some medications for: 

  • sinusitis in those aged 12 years and over 
  • sore throat in those aged 5 years and over 
  • earache in those between 1 and 17 years old 
  • infected insect bite 
  • impetigo 
  • shingles in those over 18 years old 
  • uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women aged 16-64 

The campaign will seek to demonstrate how the health service is making it more convenient for people to access care. It will primarily target working age adults (18-40) who may experience minor health conditions. It will also reach ethnic minority groups and those with disabilities, to ensure it is addressing key health inequalities. 

Vaccination/Immunicastion section you were to add here  

  • Vaccination/immunisations – covid, mhmr, HPV, meningitis, shingles, etc 
  • Screening programmes  
  • Be Well Campaign 

Each section to have – summary, guidance, link to each section campaign 

Vaccinations/ Immunisations