South East Advanced Telephony Patient Communications Toolkit


The South East Region Primary Care Transformation team has developed the Advanced Telephony Patient Communications Toolkit to support GP practices and Primary Care Networks to communicate changes in advanced telephony systems to patients.

In this toolkit you will find:

  • Social media captions and assets (ALT text included)
  • Animation
  • Easy read document
  • Customisable website text – ability to tailor to your audience
  • Website banners
  • Messaging templates
  • Social media guidance and support
  • Google business updates and assets


First and foremost, you should create content for your website to inform patient of these changes. You should populate this with your own information where Applicable and use the feature table at the bottom of the website section to create a statement that maps to the unique patient experience at your practice or Primary Care Network. We recommend you add this information on the blog or updates section of your website, or if you do not have one of these then your patient information area. You could also include this information in any patient newsletters you have. This banner should be added above the text provided in the section of your website dedicated to communicating changes in the telephone system.

You can include the animation in the section of your website dedicated to communicating improvements to your telephone system. It will also make this information more accessible to people with visual impairment as well as those with learning difficulties or disabilities.

Next, we recommend practices and Primary Care Network send short simple messages introducing the changes you have made to your telephone systems to patients, your messages should include a link to your website where you are hosting further information on the changes you have made.

You should use the social media assets to communicate with patients that changes and Improvements have been made to telephone systems for their benefit. Your social media posts should introduce the changes you have made to you telephone systems and include a link to your website where you are hosting further information on the changes you have made.

You should print the A4 poster for you waiting rooms.

You should also print several copies of the easy read document and distribute these to patient who may have an additional learning need.


You can use the link below to view the full South East Region Cloud Based Advanced Telephony toolkit:

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