Stay well this winter


Winter illnesses are linked to excess deaths and increased healthcare demand every year. This campaign is dedicated to proactive care and supporting patients to keep themselves well over winter and be prepared for winter health complications. These resources include information and guidance on what you should do if you are unwell and if you think it might be COVID-19, details on the winter flu jab, COVID-19 booster vaccinations, keeping warm in winter, keeping active, mental health support, hand washing and where to go for the right medical advice including NHS 111, 119, pharmacy services and accessing your GP.

In this toolkit you will find:

  • winter wellness leaflet (Large print, Easy read, Audio, BSL, Video with subtitles and voiceover)


Winter wellness is crucial to proactive care and can help reduce demand on your services.

We recommend printing the winter wellness resources and having multiple accessible versions to hand.

In addition to this you should try taking the winter wellness tips in the toolkit and convert them into social media posts for your GP practice.


To access the communications resources, use this link: Stay Well This Winter in contains resources to promote proactive care over winter. You can also find useful online resources on staying well over the winter period from Age UK.

Primary care pharmacy advice