
Join the millions already protected by ‘Grabbing A Jab’ this weekend

Residents across the South East will be able to ‘Grab A Jab’ this weekend as the NHS is going all out to help protect people this winter. Extra walk-in appointments for the covid-19 booster will be available at vaccinations sites across the region this coming Saturday 26 and Sunday 27. There will also be some […]

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Animation explaining importance of Covid-19 and flu vaccines launches

Getting vaccinated is a personal choice but it is important that we all make a choice based on reliable and trusted information. NHS England South East, is asking those eligible for covid-19 and flu vaccinations to help themselves stay well this winter and get vaccinated, with the help of a new animation launched today across […]

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What Black History Means to Me

Adanna Williams, Deputy Director of Nursing PSD/Learning Disabilities and Autism – NHS England South East We must first acknowledge that Black History should be celebrated every day, and every month. However, October’s Black History month is an opportunity to purposefully and intentionally reflect and celebrate my ancestry and their achievements. It is opportunity to further […]

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Protect Your Lungs this Winter

Patients living with respiratory conditions have joined forces with the NHS to launch a campaign encouraging people with lung and breathing problems to stay well this winter. Building on the success of the ‘Love Your Lungs This Summer’ campaign, ‘Protect Your Lungs This Winter’ features a number of interviews with patients living with respiratory issues […]

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South East sees second highest uptake of autumn boosters with others encouraged to come forward for their covid-19 top-up and flu jab

More than 500,000 people have had their covid-19 booster within weeks of the roll-out going live, with others encouraged to come forward for their top-up as well as flu jab. According to the latest NHS published Covid-19 vaccinations data, 552,905 people in the South East of England have had their covid-19 autumn booster, making the […]

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Over £600,000 awarded to projects that support spinal cord injury patients across the South East

As part of a national program to transform services for people with spinal cord injury (SCI), funding has been made available to enhance the rehabilitation, independence, and wellbeing of SCI patients and their carers. 5 hospital trusts have been successful in bidding for enhanced rehabilitation equipment at existing sites including Oxford University Hospital, University Hospital […]

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Autumn booster programme underway across the South East

The autumn Covid-19 booster programme is underway across the South East as thousands come forward for their top-up. More than 40,000 people have already been vaccinated in the region since the latest phase of the NHS’s vaccination programme went live on 7 September. Currently, those eligible for the first ever variant-targeted booster vaccine include care […]

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Get To Know Your Numbers this week

A series of ads across a range of social media platforms land this week with the aim of encouraging residents in the South East of England to measure their blood pressure and take action where necessary. The ‘Know Your Numbers’ campaign is known as one of the UK’s biggest blood pressure testing and awareness events […]

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Public should continue to use NHS 111 online for swift health advice

The NHS is reminding the public to continue to use 111 online for health advice and to only dial 999 in an emergency ahead of the August bank holiday weekend. Local NHS services experienced a surge in demand over the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend – we’re pleased to see an increase in the number of people using […]

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