
Capacity at Covid-19 sites bolstered this weekend ahead of Christmas  

Additional capacity has been put in place at some Covid-19 vaccinations sites in the South East this weekend, as the NHS strives to boost people’s protection ahead of Christmas. Vaccination sites across the South East such as, the Kasaam Stadium in Oxford; SAGA building in Kent, Salt Hill Centre in Slough, a pop-up clinic on […]

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Pregnant? Get your flu vaccine

It’s recommended that all pregnant women have the flu vaccine, whatever stage of pregnancy they’re at. Pregnancy alters how the body handles infections such as flu, leaving women at a greater risk of complications and increasing the chances of pregnant women and their babies needing intensive care. With social mixing and social contact returning towards […]

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Two million people ‘boosted’ against Covid-19 in the South East

Two million people living in the South East of England have now had their Covid-19 vaccine top up, as the NHS covid-19 vaccination rollout continues to protect the country against the virus. Since the booster programme launched 10 weeks ago, over 12 million people have come forward for vital extra protection across England. A sixth […]

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Parents and carers urged to protect their two-and three-year olds against flu and serious complications ahead of challenging winter

The flu vaccination programme is well underway across the South East of England with thousands of parents and carers having already arranged for their children to be vaccinated. As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, influenza activity levels were extremely low globally last year. With social mixing and social contact returning towards pre-pandemic norms, it is […]

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Flu and COVID-19: staying well with a health condition this winter

The onset of winter brings colder weather and darker nights, which will inevitably mean we all meet friends and family indoors where it is less well ventilated. This will increase the risk of virus transmission at a time when people up and down the country are likely to have a lower immunity to flu due […]

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New animation launched urging public to get flu vaccine

Today we launch a short animation to continue raising awareness of those who are eligible for the flu vaccination this year and how it offers vital protection. With flu and COVID-19 expected to be in wide circulation together this winter, the NHS is advising people to boost their immunity by having both vaccines if eligible. […]

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Ground-breaking cancer test trial begins in Kent and Medway

Kent and Medway’s response to a ground-breaking cancer test trial has been so strong that all appointments for the first clinic sessions have been booked. The first local participants in the world’s largest trial of a revolutionary new blood test, Galleri TM, which can detect more than 50 types of cancer often before symptoms appear, are […]

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