
An estimated 300,000 people unaware they have raised blood pressure

An estimated 300,000 people unaware they have raised blood pressure NHS England South East has launched a new public awareness campaign about the dangers of high blood pressure and untreated Hypertension. Over 300,000 people in the region are understood to have elevated blood pressure, completely unbeknown to them. Dr Mohit Sharma, consultant in public health […]

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There is still time to get vaccinated says lead for vaccination programme

The NHS’s lead for the flu programme in the South East of England is encouraging eligible people to get their free NHS vaccine, as over 400 people remain in hospital with the infection and a further 22 patients in critical care. The message from Caroline Reid – the region’s Director of Commissioning and Senior Responsible […]

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Help us help you this New Year Bank Holiday by choosing the right service

As pressures on NHS services continue to grow across the South East please help us help you this New Year by choosing the right NHS service over the Bank Holiday weekend. Dr Alison Taylor, Medical Director for System Improvement and Professional Standards in the South East, said: “All areas of the NHS are under pressure […]

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Public urged to continue using 111 online service over festive period

People across the South East are being urged to continue to use the NHS 111 online service (, for urgent health problems that do not need an emergency response. It comes as latest data shows that more and more people are using the NHS 111 service to get advice. Between March 2020 and September 2022, […]

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Parents and carers urged to protect their two-and three-year olds against flu after high rates of under 5s being hospitalised

Parents and carers across the region are being urged to help protect their two-and three-year olds by getting them vaccinated. The plea comes following recent data published by UKHSA which reveals that the hospitalisation rates for flu are highest in the under 5s. Approximately 74,000 children aged two and three have already come forward for […]

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