
GP scheme frees up half a million hours for patients

Successful NHS England programme extended for three more years. An NHS programme has seen GP practices free up more than half a million hours of time for patients in the last year. The Time for Care programme sees surgeries across the country adopt new ways of working. For example, letting patients book appointments sooner, cutting […]

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South West patients sign up to lifestyle changes to beat Type 2 diabetes.

When 65-year-old Peter Bell from Keynsham in Somerset discovered he was at risk of getting Type 2 diabetes, he decided he had to do something about it. A routine blood test by his GP showed raised blood sugar readings, warning signs that he was at risk of developing the condition. Peter’s GP referred him to […]

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South West MPs asked to nominate health and care heroes

MPs across the South West have been asked to nominate their health and care heroes as the NHS launches its prestigious parliamentary awards to recognise staff who go above and beyond the call of duty. The awards were created to celebrate NHS staff, carers and volunteers – their hard work, innovative ideas and unwavering efforts […]

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NHS England South West (North) announce nine new orthodontic contracts

NHS England South West (North) has commissioned nine new orthodontic contracts in key locations across Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire. This follows the re-procurement of orthodontic services where existing contracts were due to expire and will allow an increase in the number of patients that can start treatment each year. The new providers will be based […]

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Pregnant women urged to have flu vaccine

Doctors and midwives are urging pregnant women across the South West to protect themselves and their unborn child from flu by getting the flu jab this winter. The flu vaccination is safe during any stage of pregnancy and is available from their GP, maternity service provider or pharmacy. Emma Gilbert, mother-to-be from Bath said: “I’ve […]

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Study shows only 1 in 4 women with learning disabilities attend cervical screening in the South West

NHS England South West is supporting Cervical Cancer Prevention Week this week and encouraging women with learning disabilities, in particular, to attend cervical screening appointments. Data collected by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust* shows that women with learning disabilities are 45 per cent less likely to be screened for cancer compared to their counterparts without learning […]

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NHS England urge people to wrap up warm this winter

This week we felt temperatures across the South West plummet and as we prepare for freezing fog and icy temperatures NHS England are reminding people of the simple steps they can take to stay warm and well this winter. NHS England’s winter campaign encourages patients and NHS staff to work together and Help Us, Help […]

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Is your repeat prescription on your Christmas list?

When you are busy, it is important to take a few minutes to think about your health care by ordering and collecting any repeat prescriptions early ahead of the Christmas and New Year weekends and bank holidays when some GP practices and pharmacies will be closed. If you or someone you care for requires medicine […]

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