
New management team to run specialist children’s mental health services in Bristol

A new interim management team has been found to run in-patient Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in the Bristol area. Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) and The Huntercombe Group (THG) have been nominated to take over the running of the Riverside Unit at Blackberry Hill Hospital in Bristol for […]

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Latest figures show flu vaccination rates still low amongst those most at risk

With the colder winter weather starting to bite, NHS England South is again urging people to stay well this winter and get their flu vaccination jab. Figures released by Public Health England show that in the south region many people in key at-risk groups are still not being vaccinated and in some groups the uptake […]

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South region GP practices selected in boost to Clinical Pharmacist Pilot

A national pilot to employ clinical pharmacists in local GP practices has been extended, including hundreds of practices across the south region. Patients will soon benefit from having access to expert advice from a clinical pharmacist when they visit their GP, thanks to the expansion of a new scheme to fund, recruit and employ pharmacists […]

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‘Homes not hospitals’ for people with learning disabilities

People with a learning disability and/or autism* across the NHS England South region will be supported to lead more independent lives and have greater say about the support they receive under a national plan published today to radically improve learning disability services. Building the right support: A national implementation plan to develop community services and […]

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Cancer blog – Nigel Acheson

On the wake of the introduction of the ban on smoking in cars with children it is important to reflect how much progress we have made in England in recognising the danger of tobacco smoke and taking action against it. Second-hand smoke is particularly dangerous for children, placing them at higher risk of respiratory infections, […]

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Places still available at free sustainability and health conference

There are still a few places left at the South Regional Sustainability and Health Network second annual conference on Wednesday 14 October 2015, being held at the At-Bristol Science Centre. The event is free to attend, and will build on the success of last year’s conference. It will focus on ways to embed sustainability in […]

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People in their 70s in Kent and Medway urged to take up shingles vaccine offer

People in their 70s in Kent and Medway are being urged to protect themselves against shingles with a free vaccine. Local GP practices have begun writing to eligible patients to offer them the vaccination as part of the NHS shingles immunisation campaign for 2015/16, which begins on 1 September 2015. By the end of July […]

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New teen vaccination for Surrey and Sussex will save lives

Local GPs are now inviting teenagers (aged 17 and 18 years) in Surrey and Sussex to take-up a new vaccine which offers them protection against meningitis (inflammation of the brain) and septicaemia (blood poisoning). NHS England is welcoming the start of this new Meningitis ACWY vaccination programme which protects against these diseases which are caused […]

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