About Us

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust hosts the Peninsula Trauma Network (PTN) and they are responsible for employing the ODN team and supporting their roles. Oversight and governance arrangements for the Network is provided in partnership with NHS South West Specialised Commissioning.

The Network team includes a Clinical Director, a Network Manager and clinical and managerial leads for the MTC and each TU. There are also other leads for specific clinical areas, for example, rehabilitation and governance.

Network Clinical Director: Mr Chris Manlow

Network Manager: Michele Ahearne

Paediatric Network Lead (Peninsula/Severn): Dr Giles Haythornthwaite

Network Governance Lead: Dr Fionna Lowe

Network Rehabilitation Director: vacant

Network Coordinator: Natasha Louise Stafford White

The Network team can be contacted at:  plh-tr.PeninsulaTraumaNetwork@nhs.net


Throughout 2023-24 the Peninsula Trauma Network continues to work closely with fellow networks in the NHS England (South) region and with colleagues in Specialised Commissioning to continue a programme of improvement for Major Trauma.

The Network has the following boards/groups which meet regularly:

  • Network Executive Board
  • Network Advisory Group (All Lead Clinicians plus other stakeholders)
  • Network Nursing and Rehabilitation Group
  • TARN Coordinator Group (Peninsula/Severn Trauma Networks)

The Networks Executive Board and Advisory Group meet quarterly. Here the annual work programme and key quality outcome data are presented and discussed with agreed actions. These are shared with NHS England via an oversight arrangement through the Network Programme Board. Additional specialist and sub group meetings are convened throughout the year.

There are regular Network meetings which include a monthly online governance meeting where cases are reviewed and there is MDT discussion about patient pathways; there are also 6 monthly morbidity and morbidity meetings plus biannual paediatric stakeholder meetings held collaboratively between Peninsula and Severn Trauma Networks, with the paediatric MTC, Bristol.

Further details can be found on our website: www.peninsulatraumanetwork.nhs.uk