About Us

The SW SIC ODN was formally commissioned at the end of 2019 and the Clinical Director, Dr Simon Courtman and Network Manager, Catherine Carpenter-Clawson were appointed and started in their roles at the start of 2020.  The core team will be expanded in 2020/21 to be comprised of managerial, clinical and nursing leads with administrative support.  The network itself is comprised of a range of key stakeholders from across the South West region and importantly formed from the collaboration between the following provider organisations which span the region:

  • University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (who acts as the ODN’s host organisation)
  • Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • North Bristol NHS Trust
  • North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
  • Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
  • Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
  • Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
  • University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
  • Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


The diagram below outlines the footprint for the South West Operational Delivery Network and local providers demonstrating the flow of paediatric patients across the region.



A key function of the core network team is to facilitate the bringing together of stakeholders from across the region to led on delivery of recommendations from national reviews and support opportunities for service development and wider regional collaboration.