
NHS inpatient elective admission events and outpatient referrals and attendances, quarter ending 31st March 2014

NHS inpatient and outpatient waiting events figures for the quarter ending 31st March 2014 include data for England, Area Teams and NHS Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

The latest quarterly statistics on NHS inpatient and outpatient waiting events produced by NHS England were released on 30th May according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

The figures for a quarter can be affected by the number of working days in that quarter however January to March 2013 and January to March 2014 both had 62 working days. This means that we have not needed to make adjustments for working days in the figures below.

The key points from the latest release are:

Inpatient Events

From Q4 2012/13 to Q4 2013/14 the number of decisions to admit increased by 66,444 (4.7%) to 1.5 million. The number of elective admissions from the list increased by 88,713 (6.9%) to 1.4 million.

Outpatient Referrals and Attendances

From Q4 2012/13 to Q4 2013/14 the number of GP referrals made increased by 248,801 (8.4%) to 3.2 million and the number of other referrals made increased by 44,832 (2.4%) to 1.9 million.

From Q4 2012/13 to Q4 2013/14 first attendances at consultant outpatient clinics increased by 125,589 (2.9%) to 4.4 million and total attendances increased by 556,226 (4.1%) to 14.1 million.

Did not attend (DNA) rate for first outpatients appointment for Q4 2013/14 was 8.0% compared to 8.5% for Q4 2012/13.


The data are available using the link below.

The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust and Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust did not submit data for this quarter.