
Diagnostics waiting times and activity data, July 2014 and Q1 2014-15

Today NHS England published its monthly commissioner based and provider based waiting times and activity data for diagnostic tests and procedures for July 2014, and quarterly provider based diagnostic census data for Q1 2014-15. Revised figures for the monthly data from January 2014 to June 2014 were also published today. Further information and the data […]

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Ambulance Quality Indicators – Systems Indicators for July 2014 and Clinical Outcomes for April 2014

The latest statistical information regarding response times for ambulance services and on outcomes for those patients transported by ambulance has been published today. Information on systems indicators is provided by ambulance trusts and relate to the initial call. Clinical outcomes information is received from other organisations  such as acute trusts for determining outcome. Monthly data […]

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NHS 111 Statistics – July 2014

The latest data for July 2014 comprises all 45 NHS 111 service sites. a)    Of calls answered by NHS 111, 94.1% were answered within 60 seconds in July 2014, a decrease from the previous month’s performance of 94.5%. This means that the target of 95% was not met for the fifth consecutive month. b)    In […]

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NHS inpatient elective admission events and outpatient referrals and attendances, quarter ending 30th June 2014

NHS inpatient and outpatient waiting events figures for the quarter ending 30 June 2014 include data for England, Area Teams and NHS Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). The latest quarterly statistics on NHS inpatient and outpatient waiting events produced by NHS England were released on 29 August according to the arrangements approved by the […]

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