
Critical care bed capacity and urgent cancelled operations: monthly situation reports, July 2014

Today NHS England published the latest statistical information relating to critical care bed capacity and cancelled urgent operations for July 2014. This information is gathered from providers within NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts,  and Independent Sector Organisations. The data includes: number of available and occupied adult critical beds number of available and occupied paediatric intensive […]

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Overall Patient Experience Scores: 2013 Inpatient Survey Update

Today NHS England published additional demographic information about inpatient experience. This provides further context to the previous statistical information on patients’ experience of care in the NHS (original publication dated April 2014). Further supporting information, including a methodology statement, is available for this series and can be found in the patient experience statistics series. The 2013 survey […]

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Hospital Activity Data, June 2014

The latest statistical data relating to elective and non-elective in-patient admissions, outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant outpatient appointments have been published. The information relates to provider and commissioner based data and is gathered from providers within NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts and Independent Sector Organisations. Detailed information is available at: Monthly Hospital Activity […]

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Mental Health Community Teams Activity, quarter ending June 2014

Today NHS England published the latest statistical information relating to Mental Health community teams activity for quarter ending June 2014. The data includes: number of new cases of psychosis served by Early Intervention teams proportion of patients under adult mental illness specialties on Care Programme Approach (CPA) that were followed up within 7 days of […]

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Ambulance Quality Indicators – Systems Indicators for June 2014 and Clinical Outcomes for March 2014

The latest statistical information regarding response times for ambulance services and on outcomes for those patients transported by ambulance has been published today. Information on systems indicators is provided by ambulance trusts and relate to the initial call. Clinical outcomes information is received from other organisations  such as acute trusts for determining outcome. Monthly data […]

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NHS 111 Statistics – June 2014

The latest data for June 2014 comprises all 45 NHS 111 service sites. a)    In June, there were 983,785 calls offered to the NHS 111 service. Scaled up, this would represent 12 million calls per year and 33 thousand per day across England to the NHS 111 service. May 2014 had 1,112,633, or 36 thousand […]

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