
Referral to Treatment waiting times statistics, March 2013

The latest monthly National Statistics on NHS Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting times were released on 16th May 2013 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. The key points from the latest release are: During March 2013, 92.1% of admitted patients and 97.6% of non-admitted patients started treatment within 18 weeks. […]

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Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring, Quarter ending March 2013

The Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring (IPMR) statistics for the quarter ending 31 March 2013 were released today by NHS England: Diabetes Access to Midwifery Stroke/Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) NHS Health Checks The main findings for Q4 2012/13 were: Diabetes 99.0% of patients with diabetes were offered screening for diabetic retinopathy during the previous 12 months. […]

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A&E weekly data, week ending 5 May 2013

Today NHS England published the latest statistical information relating to A&E activity for the week ending 5 May 2013. This information is gathered from providers within NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts and Independent Sector Organisations. The data includes: total number of attendances in the week for all A & E types, including Minor Injury Units […]

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NHS cancelled elective operations, quarter ending 31 March 2013

The latest quarterly national statistics on NHS cancelled elective operations produced by NHS England were released on 10th May 2013 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. NHS cancelled elective operations figures for the quarter ending 31st March 2013 include data for England, Strategic Health Authorities, and NHS Trusts. The figures shown […]

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Hospital activity data, March 2013

The latest statistical data relating to elective and non-elective in-patient admissions, outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant outpatient appointments have been published. The information relates to provider and commissioner based data and is gathered from providers within NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts,  and Independent Sector Organisations. Detailed information is available at: Monthly Hospital Activity […]

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NHS 111 Statistics, March 2013

NHS 111 Minimum Data Set – March Release Call statistics to the NHS 111 service up to and including March 2013 from the 22 sites providing this service and able to provide data at this time. The sites are: County Durham & Darlington Lincolnshire Luton Nottingham City Isle of Wight Derbyshire The North West Croydon Hillingdon […]

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